Wednesday 11 June 2014

Hello friends!
I’m going to talk about the 3 Rs. These are:
1. - Reduce
2. - Reuse
3. – Recycle

I didn’t know much about this topic, but I’m not totally ignorant about it. In my house we try to recycle and separate the garbage. We try to unplug every electro-domestic if we are not using it, and turn off the lights if we are not in that room.

I find very interesting this topic, because is a thing that everyone has to know, because is something that affect us all. We have to look after our planet, is the place that we live in! And if we don’t do it, nobody will do it. The big companies cannot ignore this topic, I think that they are the one who can make a really big change, because they contaminate like anybody else, but they are necessary for the life we live, so they just cannot disappear. And that’s why they have to do a big change.


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